Friday, June 6, 2008

here comes the sun...

we love greenbelt

and as part of our contribution this year i'm sort-of co-ordinating a little interactive online artistic project, loosely ripped off from this, based on the festival's 'rising sun' theme, and called 'Here Comes The Sun'.

the idea is that every week or so we'll set a simple creative challenge, and then anyone who fancies doing it can post their results back on flickr [or to me and i'll put it up for them] for everyone to admire. there's a facebook group connected to it too, but as i'm a facebook refusenik, i don't know much about that side of the project... ;-)

the thing will kick into gear next week sometime, but if you fancy a sneaky peek, copy and paste this url - - into your browser window and see what we've got planned [but don't tell anyone that i sent you, it's not gone 'live' yet...]

and if you fancy getting on board and having a go, we're already after submissions for challenge no1 - "Make a songlist of no more than ten sun-related tracks for your iPod. Hand-write your list, with your favourite line from each song and scan/photograph it, then post the image to Flickr with the tag greenbelt:sunproject=songlist "

if you're partial to a bit of musical miserable-ism you can so see my ever-so-slightly melancholic list of sun-related tunes here.

go on. make us a playlist.
you know you want to.

[kudos to lloydyfor the image...!]

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