Monday, March 15, 2010

riding on buses, hitting the wall...

...not literally.

but at the end of last week i travelled on eight different buses over the course of two days... :-(

that's left me with a relatively daunting amount of lino cutting to get done [and i've got 'proper' work on the go as well...]

so i'm in a funny place with this bus-lino project right now.

sue told me the other day that if she were doing it and she didn't fancy recording one of the trips she'd just give it a miss and pretend it hadn't happened.
obviously, that idea is horrific to me - i'm waaay too obsessive and anal to be able to even contemplate that...

but equally, i'm not really looking forward to bussing it at the mo. and when i'm on the bus, i'm so concerned with what i'm going to draw and what sort of a print i can get out of it that i'm not really relaxing and just enjoying it. i'm drawing more and looking less, which is the wrong way round.


i'll get over myself of course, and find my way back into enjoying it - i've really loved the whole process up until now; the drawing and the cutting and even the printing... but for the mo it feels very much like i'm making the prints just to get them out the way, rather than seeing anything much of worth in the process or the product.

[last week's linos cut and ready for printing...]


Unknown said...

you could always cycle places instead.........

Gavin Mart said...

and draw as you cycle none handed (skill) around posh Leeds