Monday, January 11, 2010

new project

so, here's what that project [see previous post] is all about.

the plan is that every bus trip i take in the next few months i'll draw stuff that i see from my seat.
then i'll come home and make an A5 linocut based on those drawings...

and i'll make 13 prints from each cut [because the 13 and 13A buses are the ones that get you into the city from here...]

and i'll post each design on here. whether they're any good or not... :-)

last year @ greenbelt billy childish was excellent, and he talked about the way that he doesn't think of his work in terms of success and failure; more about learning and moving forward...
so i'll be doing this bus thing in that same spirit [i hope] of learning and having a go.

here's the first one. there are obvious things wrong with it [i need to work on the lettering for starters, and the drawings i did on the bus weren't great to be honest, and the printing is a bit ropey, and the composition could have done with more thought and and and...] but hopefully as i do them there'll be some progression in the drawings and the design, and in the execution of the lino cutting and printing...

this was my trip back from the city centre after a weekend away attending greenbelt programming meetings down south...
the guy top left had a chat with some other bloke waiting at the bus stop - i was planning to leave some white space above him so that i could pencil some of that conversation in, but decided against it in the end.
the thing bottom left is the sign on top of the bus stop. and in the middle at the bottom there, that's my reflection in the stairwell partition thing.

[and if you'd like one any of the prints as i post them up here, they're available for 20 quid each - p&p included... just email or leave a comment and i'll get back to you]


Khera Kamile Missen said...

Hey Si,

Speaking from a study that has some of the great prints you have shared up in proper grown up frames, if you end up bussing it on 14th Feb can I put in an advance for any prints you make? Obviously more than happy to pay as per blog entry, postage and costs as well as of the print itself.

Love it, what a way to chart the year. The stories are great.


hi khera,

i think that the 14th is a sunday... so my bus-tripping opportunities may well be limited by kids' football matches :-(
[but i will do my best!]

hope that all is good with you,